Thursday 19 December 2013

The Best Waterproof Matches

Waterproof matches are very portable and definitely you’re best friend in those times of need where fire, light, or survival is of the utmost importance. Stay away from waterproof matches that are supplied in a normal, cardboard box. There are so many complaints from people that bought these types of waterproof match kits to use while camping or out in the wilderness only to be left disappointed because the box that houses that matches got wet, leading to the matches becoming wet or damp.



Buy these matches (UK, USA and Canada)

As you may know, even with matches that are waterproof and windproof, once they get wet / damp you will have a hard time trying to get one to ignite. Just at the time when you really need the matches to work, your wet and cold, they let you down! How convenient.

This is why you should only ever buy waterproof matches that are supplied with a high quality storage container, preferably with a striking column so you always have a surface that you can light the matches from. This is why the UCO Waterproof match kit has to be featured on this site. The UCO waterproof storm match kit is one of the absolute best available. You need look no further. This is the ultimate survival match kit!

The match charges are very similar to the grade that the military use on training exercises, and also carry with them in there supplies while on tour etc. UCO matches can be ignited and placed into a bucket of water and still they will not go out until all of the charge has burnt out. You can also stamp on it, throw water on it,  even bury it, The UCO match will still not go out while the charge is burning. 

The matches themselves are bigger and thicker than an average match. In fact, well over twice as big, so when you light a UCO match you can be sure that, due to the extra burn time, and Terminator like resistance, it will give you a much better chance of achieving the desired task under bad weather conditions.


The match container is very impressive. It is thick, waterproof, and also has a rubber ring around the screw cap to keep water and moisture out. When we say keeping water out this includes the container being totally submerged under water and still remaining completely dry inside. It comes in different colours and features a striking column on the side, complete with some spare striking columns for when the original column wears down.

Find them for sale here

One quick tip: It’s recommended that when you are not using the matches that you remove the striking column, which is easily removed, and insert it into the container. This will prevent the striking column from getting wet, which could make lighting the matches a bit  more difficult. Make sure the column remains dry and you’ll encounter no problems.

The match container itself can also be run over by a car and still remain perfectly intact. There are lots of “waterproof” match kits available but not many that are truly waterproof when it comes to withstanding very bad weather conditions and rough treatment. 

The UCO waterproof match kit passes the acid test with flying colours. Awesome performance and reliability. Don’t believe all the facts written in this article? I wouldn’t either.  Check out the video below and see for yourself how good these waterproof matches really are.


Anonymous said...


8gt said...

when he stamps on it lol

Anonymous said...

wish i had some of these the other day trying to start a bonfire in my back garden. felt a bit silly not being able to get it going with family watching... got there in the end...

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