Saturday 21 December 2013

G3 CREE Q5 400 Torch Review

The G3 Cree Q5 is a very small but powerful L.E.D Torch. It takes just one AA Battery and costs around £3 delivered. For the price this mini torch is a must have item for camping, night fishing, dog walking, keeping in the car for emergency, and just about any other activities where extra light is needed. A great item to have as a back up for home emergency’s like a power cut etc.

For a small, cheaply priced L.E.D torch it actually has a decent light output. It’s quite bright at short range and even at a few meters. Great little torch for the price. Check out the review videos on youtube about the G3 Cree torch made by Francis Dirnhofer, where he demonstrates how good the light is compared to others that cost more to buy. He also shows the G3 CREE Q5′s ability at close range and up to a few meters away using a spreaded light and closed point beam.

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